husband playing game

  1. VRヘッドセットを買う前にお叱りを受けない為に準備してるんだろう。試しに”あなた♪、今年の誕生日はOculus RiftとHTC Viveどっちが欲しい?”って聞いてみ。


Frozen-assets He’s prepping you for the VR headset he’s going to buy in 2016. Just ask him out of the blue, “would you prefer Oculus Rift or an HTC Vive for your birthday honey?”

Edit people keep commenting on how I left out PSVR. The dude has an X-Box. I didn’t see a PS4 so I didn’t include it as an option. I also understand that the XB1 isn’t currently compatible with either. I am assuming these strangers on the internet are dirty stinking rich and own a PC.

2. > 高すぎるのが残念だよなー 🙁

>internetheroxD Too bad they are so god damn expensive 🙁

3. > 買うまで待ちきれないけど、ゲームが充実するまで待つわ。まだ決定的なアプリ出てなくね?例えばFallout 4とか。Civ Vも面白いだろうね。今出回ってるデモだけ見てたらまだ待ちだね。

>Frozen-assets I can’t wait to own one but I’ll wait until there’s enough games to make it a worthwhile purchase. I haven’t seen a killer app yet. For instance, Fallout 4+VR would be incredibly dangerous to my free time. Hell, even playing Civ V could be a blast in VR. The short demo games aren’t enough to make me buy.


4. > Civ 5みたいな戦略系はARのが面白いと思う。でも今はVRしかないからね

>unitedairforce1 I think Civ 5 and other strat games would probably be better in AR, but for now VR is the only real answer


5. > ARなんて大分先の話だろ。そんで確かHolodeck MSでのMinecraftのデモなんて詐欺に近いしさ。主流になるまでまだまだ何年もかかるだろ。近々市販される機種なんてMinecraftのデモと比べるとどれもFOVが狭いよ。

>Frozen-assets AR is incredibly far away and if memory serves, the Holodeck MS did the Minecraft demo on was misleading. That won’t be a consumer device for many years. The FOV for any near future consumer device will be much smaller than the Minecraft demo.

That said, it does look incredibly cool!

6. > だからVRが一番現実的だっつってんじゃん!まじで卓上で遊べるCiv系が待ち遠しいよね。テーブルを友達4,5人で囲んで次の一手を考える・・みたいなね。

>unitedairforce1 Exactly, thats why i said VR is the most reasonable option right now! I seriously can’t wait for a tabletop civ game. Walking around the table trying to figure out your next move, or having four or five friends play with you on a huge dining room table

7. Rift DK2もってるけどまだバグ多いよ。良いデモ沢山出てるから買って後悔はしてないけど、The WitnessとかHalf Life 2とか全然起動しないゲームもまだ多いからね。それにElite Dangerousみたいにジャダーが多くて遊べないゲームもあるし。もう少し待ってCV1かVive買うか、サポートの向上、どのゲームにどのハードが合うか確立されるまで待機かな。それにPlaystation VRも興味あるしね。

inpu I have a Rift DK2, and a lot of stuff is still pretty flaky. There are some amazing demos for it, I don’t regret buying it, but for example I can’t get The Witness or Half Life 2 to run at all, and with several other games like Elite Dangerous I get “judder” making it almost unplayable. I’ll definitely wait a bit until I buy a CV1 or Vive, until the support is better and I know what hardware you need in practice for a good experience. I’m also curious about Playstation VR.

8. Rift単体なら買いリストに入れてもいいんだけど、使うのに必要のスペック見た?イタタ

Tar_alcaran If it was just the Rift itself, it’d be #1 on my xmas list, but have you seen the system requirements? Ouch.

9. >オマエ今使ってる携帯も最初は車に接続されてたんだぜ。そういうもんだ。

>getMeSomeDunkin That cell phone in your pocket used to have to be attached to your car.

This is just how things work.

10. >いや地道に下降するのは分かるよ、oculusもその内手頃になるだろうし。今欲しいんだよ!安く!っちぇっちぇ

Tar_alcaran Yeah, I know it’ll get progressively less steep, and the oculus will get cheaper too. But I want it now damnit! for cheap! whine whine, moan moan! 😉

11. >最初のビデオデッキが$5000。最初のiPodは$500だったし、最初のAtari 2600は$700。最初の商業用携帯は$9000。

>getMeSomeDunkin When you adjust the prices for time and inflation, the first VCR was $5,000. The first iPod was $500. First Atari 2600 was $700. First commercial mobile phone was $9,000.

The Oculus being $600 should surprise no one.