- すげーコレクションだけど、クソみてーな設置だな
roto_disc It’s a great collection, but a really shitty set-up.
2. > 同意、首痛くなると思う
>csgraber agree, my neck would hurt playing a game here
3. 古!
Spectur Old
4. いいと思うけど、これだけ本体持ってたら全部遊ばねーだろ?
DMBumper My biggest complaint about this shit is that… Sure it’s cool, but how much are you ACTUALLY going to use each of those?
Want a much more compact setup for 90% of the stuff here?
PC Emulator.
5. パナのFZ-1 REAL 3DOを買った時は周りからバカにされたなぁ、さすがに3機共揃える勇気はなかったわ
Zoepapillon People thought I was crazy when I got my FZ-1 3D0, but I didn’t buy ALL THREE MODELS. 0_0
6. >FZ-1とFZ-10両方持ってたわ。予備機はもってたいし、色々モデルがある場合はどうせだったらって違うの選ぶ様にしてる。ケースに入ってるゴールドスター(現LG)はいらねーけど・・
>buckethealien I have FZ-1 and FZ-10 mostly since I like to have a backup of each system, and if there are two models, I like to make that the option instead of two of the exact same model. I see no need for the Goldstar though in this case…
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